
Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : The Byzantium Test! Are You Normal?

19.11.2012, 15:03
Do it, it's fun! :O

You are an autonomous striver with hidden strenght

Your responses indicate a desire to overcome a persistent feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction. You believe life should have more to offer, and fear you have somehow not achieved everything you deserve.

Your desire for legitimate respect and success has led to increasing anxiety. Consequently, you no longer exhibit some of the friendliness and openness for which you were once known.

Similarly, you fear being overly influenced by others. You are often fiercely independent, which sometimes leads to being resistant to the opinions of friends and relatives — even to the point of denying what you fear may actually be true.

This behavior stems from your wish to be regarded as an authority. It leads you to react strongly when you suspect you might be wrong. At times you feel that too much is being asked of you, and that you are not properly recognized for your efforts. This situation — be it fueled by others’ jealousy or negligence — adds to the stress in your life.

Luckily, your determination is unyielding. Unlike others facing similar adversity, you forge ahead despite the challenges. Through strength of will or simple endurance, you are unique in your ability to withstand the troubles of a complicated life.

Well the part about anxiety is right at least :duck



19.11.2012, 15:30
daß ich das gleiche testergebnis habe beunruhigt mich :angst

19.11.2012, 15:32

19.11.2012, 15:46
Nett. :D


19.11.2012, 16:02
You are an enduring fighter, with masked passions.

Your responses indicate that you have a normal desire to share yourself with others. However, this need is not being adequately fulfilled at present.

As a result, you unconsciously attempt to treat this emptiness with momentary interests and temporary passions. If left unaddressed, this imbalance leads to impulsive behavior and unnecessary risks.

Past betrayals have left you generally suspicious of others’ behavior, particularly regarding romantic relationships. You fear you may be exploited if you open yourself too fully. Consequently, you often seek some proof of a new friend’s or lover’s sincerity before before you decide to trust them.

Further complicating your relationships is the anxiety you have about your unfulfilled personal and professional goals. You fear that you’ve made decisions that weren’t in your own best interest, or failed to take advantage of opportunities when they presented themselves.

The desire to overcome these challenges sometimes lead you to seem pushy or even arrogant. Because this competitive urge is not always apparent to others, they are often surprised by it.

However, the passion that underlies your desire for success is unique. This makes you unlike others. You cannot simply accept what life has to offer; you aspire for more.

Uh, ein Internet-Test, der mir sagt, dass ich einzigartig bin. Da gehts mir gleich besser -.-

19.11.2012, 16:21
So ein Zufall dass die gesamte Forenpopulation, und wohl überhaupt alle die den Test machen, zu den "top 20%" gehören.

19.11.2012, 16:36
Jepp, ich auch.. :D

19.11.2012, 16:41
Is ja auch Werbung... :p
Gibt noch 4 weitere (die sind aber alle weniger cool) und am Ende ist man Top 1%

19.11.2012, 17:24

daß ich das gleiche testergebnis habe beunruhigt mich :angst

Me three. :D

19.11.2012, 19:42
Your responses indicate a desire to overcome a persistent feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction. You believe life should have more to offer, and fear you have somehow not achieved everything you deserve.

Your desire for legitimate respect and success has led to increasing anxiety. Consequently, you no longer exhibit some of the friendliness and openness for which you were once known.

Similarly, you fear being overly influenced by others. You are often fiercely independent, which sometimes leads to being resistant to the opinions of friends and relatives — even to the point of denying what you fear may actually be true.


19.11.2012, 19:58
Was soll denn diese Schere da die ganze Zeit? Nein, ich bin kein Frisör. :niemals

Und, ja, klar... Top 20%. Kann man auch was anderes erreichen? Hab nur grad versehentlich die Seite weggeklickt, also keine Ahnung was der Text sagt... :fft

19.11.2012, 20:24
Hab das selbe wie gubbel und weasel :gruebel


19.11.2012, 20:26
Ich wollt ja jetzt "Did you notice that only the awesome people get this? :cool" posten aber wisthler hats auch :hmpf

19.11.2012, 20:47
Hallo? Will der kleine Gubbel mich blöde von der Seite anmachen? :D

19.11.2012, 21:25
Du bist doch praktisch Allgemeingut :kuss

19.11.2012, 21:58


19.11.2012, 23:30
Müssen wir uns wohl in umbenennen. Die Domain scheint auch noch frei zu sein

20.11.2012, 00:29
Der ist, glaube ich, neu hier:

You are a troubled individual, with unique abilities.

Unlike most people, you have a strong — at times destructive — independent streak. Routine tasks are frustrating and often impossible to complete, unless you’ve created them for yourself.
At the moment, you are under substantial stress and anxiety. This is caused by the unshakable feeling that you’re not fully in control of your own life.
An existing relationship in your life, either romantic or business-related, is currently unsatisfactory. You’re presently contemplating the possibility of escape. This can make you irritable or uncomfortable at times, even around the people you love.
However, when you are in control, you’re capable and even excited to make difficult decisions. This occasionally leaves you feeling isolated or alone. You are willing to make this trade-off, if it means being in charge of your own life.
The darker emotions inside you — those underlying urges that all humans have — are very strong. And yet, you have the ability to harness that energy to achieve your goals. This makes you unique among our testing population. You can focus your energy, both positive and negative.

Find's aber recht hübsch gemacht. Hab gerade gezwungenermaßen den Ton aus, hat das noch 'n bisschen Hintergrundmusik oder sowas? :look

EDIT: Über die Tests hinaus geht's ja auch nochmal ordentlich weiter. Nice. :top