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Thema: GTA live in LA

  1. #1

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    GTA live in LA

    Ich hab das gerad erst wegen nem Thread mitgekriegt und les ich mich gerad durch das Manifesto von dem Typen

    tl;dr: while working at the LAPD Dorner got fired for exposing police brutality; there were a few other things he exposed and the department basically did everything they could to mess up his life and shut him up. Many of his colleagues were outright racist and pretty fucked up / immoral

    The principal swatted Jim for using a derogatory word toward me. He then for some unknown reason swatted me for striking Jim in response to him calling me a nigger. He stated as good Christians we are to turn the other cheek as Jesus did. Problem is, I’m not a fucking Christian and that old book, made of fiction and limited non-fiction, called the bible, never once stated Jesus was called a nigger.

    Die Shoutouts am ende sind am besten:

    It’s kind of sad I won’t be around to view and enjoy The Hangover III. What an awesome trilogy. Todd Phillips, don’t make anymore Hangovers after the third, takes away the originality of its foundation. World War Z looks good and The Walking Dead season 3 (second half) looked intriguing. Damn, gonna miss shark week.
    "Dave Brubeck's "Take Five" is the greatest piece of music ever, period. Hanz Zimmer, William Bell, Eric Clapton, BB King, Bob Marley, Sam Cooke, Metallica, Rob Zombie, Nora Jones, Marvin Gaye, Jay-Z, and the King (Louis Armstrong) are musical prodigies."
    Klingt schwer sympathisch

    Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook. You deflected any type of blame/responsibility and directed it toward the influence of movies and the media. You are a failure of a human being. May all of your immediate and distant family die horrific deaths in front of you.
    Wherever Dorner is, law enforcement officials fear that he may be heavily armed, possibly with a powerful .50 caliber rifle, which shoots five-inch long bullets that can pierce bullet proof vests and vehicles, as well as a shoulder-fired missile launcher.
    Das ganze ist natürlich nur eine Verschwörung der Regierung um dem aufrechten Amerikanischen Bürger sein in der Verfassung verbrieftes Recht auf Raketenwerfer wegzunehmen!

    Mit dem Motiv und der Vorgeschichte hätte es sicher zumindest einige Sympathien gegeben wenn er sich auf die Cops beschränkt hätte aber indem er da auf die Verwandtschaft losgeht verspielt er die :/

  2. #2

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    I know the thread isn't
    but noone gives a shit?

    Looks like they got him pinned down
    Let's hope he takes some asshole pigs with him!

    Dorner was employed as a Los Angeles police officer from 2005 to 2008, when he was fired for making false allegations against a fellow officer.

    Das im Manifest erwähnte Video, das während des "hearings" gezeigt und komplett ignoriert wurde. In dem das Opfer der Bitch, über die Dorner angeblich gelogen hat, eindeutige Aussagen macht. FUCK YEAH BLUE CODE!

  3. #3

  4. #4
    s̓̍̒͋̌l̎ow̐̔̉̉c̊͋̉ar̄͑ ͪͫ͛ ̓ Avatar von slowcar
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    Finde ich doch sehr befremdlich wie Du Dich über erschossene Polizisten freuen kannst.

    Ansonsten gibt es eine recht gute Übersicht auf Telepolis
    Oh what a day! What a lovely day!


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